Learn new skills by reading and watching videos any day at your own pace. Practice anytime, anywhere including NAPLAN practice.
Cutting edge tools for schools. Classrooms, students and teachers management made easy with just few clicks.
Cutting edge tools for parents from dynamic worksheet generators for math and english to real time practice session monitoring.
Teacher / Tutor
We have got a range of tools for tutors, including virtual classroom, online plagiarism checker, assignments for students and more.
Our products

Online NAPLAN Practice
With over 500+ online practice tests based on the patterns of questions asked in real test, your child can feel more confident sitting in the real test.
Detailed reports are produced when a student finishes his/her test. You can re-visit the scores any time within 1 year of an attempt.
Online NAPLAN practice tests covers Numeracy, Language conventions and Reading. We also host over 200+ writing prompt ideas. NAPLAN tests are available for year 3, year 5, year 7 and year 9 students.
Check NAPLAN home »
Adaptive Online Maths Learning and Practice Platform
Available for Foundation to Year 8 , 100% aligned to Australian and New Zealand school curriculum.
With hundreds of skills and algorithmic solutions to the problems right at your finger tips, your child can only improve their understanding of Maths concepts and build their confidence going forward.
Students use our platform to practice for high school scholarship exams. Learning maths has never been this fun. This application trains and test at the same time.
New skills are added on a regular basis, existing skills are improved over time with feedback we receive.
Parents and teachers can conduct live practice session drills and monitor students from anywhere.
Check skills » Demo Video »

On Demand Maths & English Worksheet Generators
With over 320+ maths and english worksheet generators, you can generate a printable sheet within few seconds.
Maths worksheet generators covers over 1500+ skills whereas english generators are flexible to output sheets based on your own custom requirements.
This application is a super handy tool to generate dynamic sheets for your children when you want to keep them engaged, be it after care school, or be it a weekend homework.
This product is suitable for students aged 3 to 14. Covers skills kids learn at a pre-school or a primary school.
Please note that some generators do not require a membership. This is done so you can get a feel of the product.
Check math generators » Check english generators » Demo video»
Advanced Online Typing Tutor
Available for Foundation to Year 12 students, master the art of touch typing.
There is no doubt that touch typing makes you faster. Once you know how to touch type, that will mean that you will be more productive, as it takes you less time to do tasks such as completing the assignments on time.
Automatizing the process improves the quality of your writing too as you are focusing on what you are thinking rather than worrying about which key is where.
SubjectCoach's typing tutor supports school and home environments. Teachers and parents can create their own typing tasks for the students and monitor the progress live from anywhere.
Parents and teachers can assign their students out of the box typing tutor units. The basic functionality of our typing tutor is free. Becoming a touch typist have never been so easy.
Start typing » Demo video »

On Demand Maths Pre-assessment Test Generator
These tests takes into account most of the skills taught for an year and are 100% aligned to school curriculum.
Un-metered means that you can generate as many tests as you like with low probability of a question getting repeated.
The generators cover Year 1 to Year 8 curriculum and are available in both printable and paperless online only formats.
This product is suitable for students aged 6 to 14 and is mainly used for assignments and home practice.
Please note that Year 1 generators do not require a membership. This is done so you can get a feel of the product.
Check generators » Demo (printable tests) » Demo (paper-less) »
Quiz Creator
Quiz creator is another application that is focused on testing students on specific skills. It is not possible for us to cover each aspect of your classroom.
This tool is aimed to address just that. You have the flexibility to create your own quizzes in any possible subject with 9 different question types.
Questions you can create range from multi-choice, multi-select, fill in the blanks, media questions, true/false questions and so much more.
Custom quizzes can be made public so any body can attempt those or can be kept private. Create your test once and use it again and again.
Parents and teachers can assign their created quizzes to students and check the results later.
Quiz creator is a tool that is efficient in both school and home environments. Tests created using this application can be used for any year level. Results for a student are stored for up to 1 year.
Sign up » Demo video »

Parent Teacher Event Bookings (Schools only)
Our school event portal is very straightforward to use, any event that has anything to do with teacher, parent and student such as parent teacher interviews, school assessment test result discussions, student led conferences, subject selection, information afternoons/evenings etc can be set using our school events portal. Setting up an event takes less than 5 minutes with 4 easy steps. Making a booking takes less than 1 minute with 3 easy steps.
School events integrates seamlessly with your subjectCoach school account, what this means is that you create your school accounts once and they will be available in school events portal within 1 hour.
When you create an event, you are given an event code a mix of numbers and letters. You will give/broadcast this code to the parents using your newsletter system or you can have it printed and distribute the printed code.
This product is suitable for schools that conduct parent teacher events.
More info » Brief demo video »
Tools for tutors
For private tutors, other than the above listed products, we have range of tools that includes a virtual classroom with voice and text chat support. One session can have up to 4 people.
Online presentations module can be utilized to create simple presentations with picture and videos support and integrates seamlessly with virtual classroom and you have full control over which slide a student can see.
Plagiarism checker module can be utilized to check your student work to see if it has been plagiarized. Credits for this tool can be purchased separately.
Bookings module helps you get online bookings. Create your tutor listing, get yourself verified, make yourself available at times it suits you to provide private tuition. Accept online bookings.
Contact manager helps you manage your contacts and integrates with bookings applications.
SMS manager helps you send SMSes to groups, bookings module integrate directly with SMS manager. (credits for SMSes can be purchased separately)
and there is so much more...
Sign up » (multi-player real time quiz gaming engine - FREE)
Create a new GaRoot
A quiz can be gamified in less than 2 minutes depending on the number of questions. -
Host your GaRoot
You will need a big screen (monitor, tele, projector etc) to show questions. -
A "game code" will be produced when you host a game. Your students, work mates, family or friends will join with the provided game code and answer questions shown on the big screen. -
Results can be viewed instantly after the game is completed. If you see any issues, please let us know.
It is basically as simple as that. GaRoot can host up to 500 users per hosted game, although it is recommended to keep the number as small as possible. To keep it engaging, try not have more than 15 questions per game.
More info » Watch getting started video »
Other online software applications
Video Lessons includes more than 600+ videos for Maths, English and Science for kids aged 4 - 14.
Skill based Quizzes includes assignable 3600+ static tests for Maths, English and Science for foundation to Year 8.English dictionary, a basic english dictionary is available to everyone.
Scientific calculator, a full on scientific calculator is available for anyone to use.
Math calculators, includes calculators ranging from basic to the ones that can solve algebraic equiations.
Master analog and digital times interactively helps teach kids basics of analog clock. Suitable for kids aged 5-10.
Tutorials module includes hundreds of Maths and Information technology related articles and tutorials.Story books includes books that are suitable for kids aged 5 - 16. These books are classic kids stories and are available under public domain.
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