Index notation & represent whole numbers as products of powers of prime numbers
From this video lesson, you will learn about exponents, prime factorization, prime and composite numbers.
- defining and comparing prime and composite numbers and explaining the difference between them
- applying knowledge of factors to strategies for expressing whole numbers as products of powers of prime factors, such as repeated division by prime factors or creating factor trees
- solving problems involving lowest common multiples and greatest common divisors (highest common factors) for pairs of whole numbers by comparing their prime factorisation
Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 12th Jul 2016
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In this part you will explore what prime and composite numbers are, and will learn about prime factorization etc
- defining and comparing prime and composite numbers and explaining the difference between them
- applying knowledge of factors to strategies for expressing whole numbers as products of powers of prime factors, such as repeated division by prime factors or creating factor trees
- solving problems involving lowest common multiples and greatest common divisors (highest common factors) for pairs of whole numbers by comparing their prime factorisation
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