
Subject Verb Agreement

Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 9th Aug 2016

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In this video lesson, we will explore subject-verb agreements. 

Subject-verb agreement is a grammatical rule, which states that the subject and the verb must agree in a sentence. The subject normally refers to the noun or pronoun that tells us whom or what the sentence is about. A verb normally has a singular and plural form in the present tense. The third person singular of the verb usually ends in ‘s’. some auxiliary verbs also have singular and plural forms in the present tense. ‘Be’ has singular and plural forms in the past tense as well as the present tense.


Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 9th Aug 2016

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Subject-verb agreement is a grammatical rule, which states that the subject and the verb must agree in a sentence. The subject normally refers to the noun or pronoun that tells us whom or what the sentence is about. A verb normally has a singular and plural form in the present tense.

The third person singular of the verb usually ends in ‘s’. some auxiliary verbs also have singular and plural forms in the present tense. ‘Be’ has singular and plural forms in the past tense as well as the present tense.Other verbs that also change their forms in both the singular and plural.Below is a table showing some examples:
(source: wiki educator)

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