
Unknown quantities in number sentences involving addition and subtraction

Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 26th Oct 2016

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Focus of this video lesson is to find unknown amounts in number sentences consisting of summation and subtraction and identify equivalent number sentences involving addition and subtraction


  • writing number sentences to represent and answer questions such as: ‘When a number is added to 23 the answer is the same as 57 minus 19. What is the number?’
  • using partitioning to find unknown quantities in number sentences


Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 26th Oct 2016

Please get in touch with your teacher or tutor in case you have a question related to this lesson

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Learning Aim
Finding unknown quantities in number sentences involving addition and subtraction and identify equivalent number sentences involving addition and subtraction


- writing number sentences to represent and answer questions such as: ‘When a number is added to 34 the answer is the same as 64 minus 11. What is the number?’

- using partitioning to find unknown quantities in number sentences

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