Using Adjectives to enrich our writing
Aim of this video lesson is to show you how to use Adjectives to enrich your writing. Understand how noun groups/phrases and adjectivegroups/phrases can be expanded in a variety of ways to provide a fuller description of the person, place, thing or idea
- learning how to expand a description by combining a related set of nouns and adjectives – ‘Two old brown cattle dogs sat on the ruined front veranda of the deserted house’
- observing how descriptive details can be built up around a noun or an adjective, forming a group/phrase (for example, ‘this very smelly cleaning cloth in the sink’ is a noun group/phrase and ‘as pretty as the flowers in May’ is an adjective group/phrase)
Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 12th Aug 2016
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- learning how to expand a description by combining a related set of nouns and adjectives – ‘Two old brown cattle dogs sat on the ruined front veranda of the deserted house’
- observing how descriptive details can be built up around a noun or an adjective, forming a group/phrase (for example, ‘this very smelly cleaning cloth in the sink’ is a noun group/phrase and ‘as pretty as the flowers in May’ is an adjective group/phrase)
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