Year 1 English skills () « back to years

The skills below are 100% aligned with Australian and New Zealand school curriculum and up to 90%+ with common core maths. Skills are organized into groups and are ordered in a way we think would be useful. To master a skill, you will have to gain 10 stars (In case of a classroom initiated time-bound practise session, the time you can practise and the skill level is determined by your teacher).

There are 3 levels to each skill,

  1. Easy: A star will be taken away if you get 3 consecutive wrong answers.
  2. Medium: A star will be taken away if you get 2 consecutive wrong answers.
  3. Hard: A star will be taken away on each wrong answer.

Most skills have multiple type of questions with varying difficulties. If you keep getting wrong answers, system will give you the simplest of question to answer. Idea is to have you master these skills with a ground up approach. If you get a question wrong, a useful tip will be shown, you should read that and try to understand the concept.

All the best with your year 1 english. If you see any issue, please do report it by clicking the red button at bottom left of this page. Over time, more questions will be added to the question bank.

Warm up

  1. Alphabetical order

    1. ABC order
    2. Alphabetical order the words
  2. Revisit constants & vowels

    1. Select vowels in a word
    2. Figure out the consonants and vowels
  3. Rhyming words

    1. Match the picture to the rhyming word
    2. Select one word that does not rhyme with others
    3. Finish the rhyme
    4. Finish the poem with a word that rhymes
  4. Blending and segmenting

    1. Blend together individual sounds to make a word
    2. Identifying each sound in a word
    3. Blend the sounds in correct order
  5. Consonant letters and their sounds

    1. Select two words starting with the same sound
    2. Select two words ending with the same sound
    3. Select a letter that the word start with
    4. Select a letter that the word end with
  6. Consonant blends and digraphs

    1. Use correct initial consonant blend to complete the word
    2. Starting consonant blend
    3. Use correct final consonant blend to complete a word
    4. Ending consonant blend
    5. What consonant blend is missing?
    6. Practice words ending with -ss, -ll, -ff, -zz, -ck
    7. Pick a correct digraph
    8. Use correct digraph to complete a word
    9. Digraph word spellings
    10. Sorting beginning blends and digraph
  7. Mastering short vowels

    1. Select short a word matching the picture
    2. Fill blanks to complete the short a word
    3. The short a practice with sentences
    4. Select short e word matching the picture
    5. Fill blanks to complete the short e word
    6. The short e practice with sentences
    7. Select short i word matching the picture
    8. Fill blanks to complete the short i words
    9. The short i practice with sentences
    10. Select short o word matching the picture
    11. Fill blanks to complete the short o word
    12. The short o practice with sentences
    13. Select short u word matching the picture
    14. Fill blanks to complete the short u word
    15. The short u practice with sentences
    16. Recognize the short vowel sound in a word
    17. Use the correct short vowel to complete the word
    18. Unscramble the short vowel word
    19. Use the correct short vowel word to complete the sentence

Speed up

  1. Short and long vowels

    1. Arrange short and long vowel words
    2. Matching the short a and long a words to pictures
    3. Matching the short e and long e words to pictures
    4. Select the short i or long i word that suits the picture
    5. Select the short o or long o word that suits the picture
    6. Select the short u or long u word that suits the picture
    7. Sort words by short and long vowel sounds
  2. Understanding long vowels

    1. Select a silent e word matching the picture
    2. Fill in the blanks to complete the silent e word
    3. Silent e word spellings
    4. Select a sentence with a silent e word matching the picture
  3. Vowel digraph

    1. Match the picture with the correct vowel digraph
    2. Fill in the blanks to complete the vowel digraph words
    3. Fill in the blanks to complete the words with correct vowel digraph
    4. Select a sentence with a vowel digraph matching the picture
  4. Diphthongs: oi, oy, ou, ow

    1. Select the diphthong word matching the picture
    2. Use diphthongs: oi, oy, ou, ow to complete a word
  5. Getting to know syllables

    1. Identify the number of syllables in the word
    2. Arrange words by the number of syllables
    3. Combine two syllables to make a word
    4. Decode two-syllable words
    5. Fill in the blank with a two-syllable word to complete a sentence
  6. High frequency sight words

    1. Select correct sight word
    2. Sight word spellings
    3. Use the correct sight word to complete the sentence
  7. Working with sentences

    1. Which sentence is a statement?
    2. Which sentence is a command?
    3. Which sentence is a question?
    4. Which sentence is a exclamation?
    5. Select the correct end punctuation mark
    6. Select what type of sentence is shown
    7. Using what, when, Who, why or where to ask questions (The five W's)
    8. Part of the sentence (naming/subject or action/predicate)
    9. Figure out the complete sentences
    10. Complete the given sentence
    11. Put the words in right order to make a sentence


  1. Getting to know nouns

    1. Nouns: animal, person, place or thing
    2. Match a noun to the picture to form a correct sentence
    3. Select the nouns
    4. Identify nouns in a sentence
    5. Identify proper nouns
    6. Arrange common and proper nouns in groups
  2. Plural nouns

    1. Understanding regular plurals
    2. Use -s and -es to make regular plurals
    3. Working with singular and plural nouns
    4. Understanding irregular plurals
  3. Possessive nouns

    1. Match a possessive noun to the picture
    2. Make the singular possessive nouns
  4. Pronouns

    1. Choosing between subject and object personal pronouns
    2. Can you choose the correct Personal Pronoun?
    3. Use correct personal pronoun to complete the sentence
    4. Choosing the correct possessive pronoun
    5. Enter the correct possessive pronoun
  5. Verbs

    1. Use an action verb matching the picture to complete the sentence
    2. Find action verbs in the sentence
    3. Use action verbs in the sentence
    4. Is sentence about one subject or more than one?
    5. Use the best verb to complete the sentence
    6. Use the best subject to complete the sentence
    7. Pronoun-verb agreement: Use the best verb to complete the sentence
    8. Pronoun-verb agreement: Use the best subject to complete the sentence with
  6. Verb tenses

    1. Which sentence shows the present
    2. Which sentence shows the past
    3. Which sentence is about the future
    4. Sort the sentences by verb tense
    5. Simple past of regular verbs
    6. Find irregular past tense verbs
    7. Sort the irregular verb sentences in order from past to future
    8. Hear out the end sound and complete the verb
    9. Tense match the -ed and -ing sentences
    10. Use the correct form of "to be" in present tense
    11. Use the correct form of "to be" in past tense
    12. Use the correct form of "to be" (present and past mix)
    13. Use the correct form of "to have"
  7. Articles

    1. How to use articles a, the and an in sentences
    2. Find articles in the sentence
  8. Adjectives introduction

    1. What are adjectives. Practice using pictures.
    2. Number adjectives
    3. Sensory adjectives
    4. Does the adjective tell you what kind or how many?
    5. Find adjectives in the sentence
  9. Comparative and superlative adjectives

    1. Comparative and superlative adjectives with pictures
    2. Find comparative and superlative adjectives
    3. Can you tell if adjective is comparing two or more than two objects?
  10. Prepositions

    1. Which preposition match the picture
    2. Which preposition should be used to complete the sentence