Learn maths the easier way
Learn. Practice. Retain.


Unlimited practice. Unlimited questions. Unmetered.
Three levels for all skills (easy, medium and hard). The ultimate online maths game like practice you will enjoy and love with explanations and video help.

Counting, 2D shapes, 3D shapes, fewer & more, measurements, maths vocabulary, probability, geometry and more

Skills Check skills
Year 1
Place value, Addition, Subtraction, Money, Algebra, measurements, maths vocabulary, probability and more

Skills Check skills
Year 2
Number sequences, Place values, Adding, Subtracting, Multiplication, Division, Shapes, graphing and more

Skills Check skills
Year 3
Estimation and rounding, Number sequences, Place values, Adding, Subtracting, Multiplication, Division, Shapes, graphing and more

Skills Check skills
Year 4
Addition, Subtraction, Data and graphs, Fractions, Division, Geometry, graphing and more

Skills Check skills
Year 5
Coordinate plane, Algebra, Data and graphs, Fractions, Division, Geometry, graphing and more

Skills Check skills..
Year 6
Rational numbers, Statistics, Probability, Coordinate plane, Algebra, Data and graphs, Geometry, graphing and more

Skills Check skills
Year 7
Transformations, Statistics, Rational numbers, Probability, Coordinate plane, Algebra, Data and graphs, Geometry, graphing and more

Skills Check Skills
Year 8
Pythagoras' theorem, Monomials and polynomials, Transformations, Statistics, Rational numbers, Algebra, Data and graphs, Geometry, graphing and more

Skills Check skills