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Completing the Square Calculator ( $\;ax^2 + bx +c \; = 0$ )

You would use this calculator to sole a quadratic equation. This calculator (using the completing the square method) will solve a second-order polynomial equation in the form $ax^2 + bx + c = 0$ for x, where $a ≠ 0$.

Enter value of both operand $x$
$ a = $
$ b = $
$ c = $

Completing the square for $b = 0$

When you don't have x term i.e. $b=0$, this becomes rather straightforward to solve the quadratic equation. Let's assume this example solution to complete the square for

  1. $x^2 + 0x - 16 = 0$
  2. Get rid of b term with 0:
    $x^2 - 16 = 0 $
  3. Keep x terms on the left side of the equation and move the constant to the right side. We can do this by adding the number on both sides of the equation.
    $x^2 = 16 $
  4. Take the square root of both sides
    $x = ± √16 $
  5. we get,
    $x = ±4 $
  6. thus,
    $x = +4 $
    $x = -4 $

Completing the square for $a ≠ 1$ and $a ≠ 0$


  1. $3x^2 - 36x + 42 = 0$
  2. $a ≠ 1$, $a = 3$, we will divide through all parts of the equation by 3
    $(3x^2)/3 - (36x)/3 + 42/3 = 0/3 $
  3. Which gives us
    $x^2 - 12x + 14 = 0 $
  4. Let's continue to solve this by completing the square method
    $x^2 - 12x = -14 $
  5. Add 36, completing the square
    $x^2 - 12x + 36 = -14 + 36 $
  6. Which gives us
    $(x-6)^2 = 22 $
  7. Which gives us
    $√(x-6)^2 = ± √22 $
  8. Which gives us
    $x = ± √22 + 6 $
  9. thus,
    $x = + √22 + 6 $
    $x = - √22 + 6 $