Use of calculator
Comparison is made to find out which
fraction is greater and which is smaller. Mixed numbers and improper fractions
are used to compare with is calculator.
Ways to compare fractions
Change the mixed numbers to improper fractions.
Find out the LCD for the fractions.
Must change each fraction into equivalent with
least common denominator
Make comparison: you can compare the numerator
if the denominators are similar. Fraction With a greater numerator is the
For example:
5/6 and 3/8
Find out the
Least common denominator: multiples of 6 are 6, 12,18,24,30, etc. Where the
multiples of 8 are 8,16,24,32, etc. As such the lowest common multiple is 24 so
we take LCD. Using LCD change each fraction to its equivalent fractions. For
5/6 multiple n and d by 4 to have LCD = 24 in the denominator.
5/6 * 4/4 =
For 3/8, multiply
n and d by 3 to get LCD =24 in the denominator.
3/8 * 3/3 =
Now compare the
fractions. As such there are like denominators so you can make comparison with
Hence 20/24
> 9 we conclude 5/6 > 3/8
For further
help see the fraction calculator to understand it.
You can use this
calculator to add, subtract, multiply or divide the fractions. Answer to the
questions are provided as simplified fractions in lowest terms or as mixed
numbers in minimize form. Input proper and improper fractions, then select the
mathematics operations, proceed and click calculate.
You can add up,
subtract, multiply or divide negative fractions. Place a negative or minus sign
before the numerator or the top number. Example if one of your fractions is
-16/20 then just place minus sign before the “16” and now proceed to enter all
other n and d.
Choose the
mathematics operation and click calculate.
To make
calculation with whole numbers and fractions use mixed numbers calculator.
The mixed number
calculator can add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers of fractions.
Do mathematics
calculations with whole numbers or mixed fractions and perform operations on fractions.
Put the whole
number or mixed numbers in the following ways:
The whole numbers up to 3 digits in length.
Now enter as ¾ which is a three fourth. You can
also enter up to 3 digits in length for each n and d. For example: (456 / 789)
For adding
fractions the algebraic formula is:

for example:
2/6 + ¼ = (2 * 4)
+(6 * 1) / 6 * 4 = 14/24 =7/12

For example:
2/6 – ¼ = (2 * 4) – (6 *1) / 6 *4
=2/24 = 1/12
Multiplying the fractions

For example:
2/6 * ¼ = 2
* 1 / 6 * 4
= 2/24 =1/12
Dividing of fractions
The basic formula for dividing fractions

2/6 ÷ ¼ = 2 * 4 /6 * 1
= 8/6 = 4/3 = 1+1/3