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Equivalent Fraction Calculator

You can use this calculator to find equivalent fractions.

Accepted values for this calculator
  • Fraction - e.g. 1/5 or 12/13
  • Mixed number - like 2 1/2 or 3 1/6
  • Integer - like 3 or 12

Equivalent Fractions
Get Fractions Equivalent to:

Equivalent fractions

The equivalent fractions are those which look different but represents the same value. For example,

The Calculator:

This online Calculator calculates the equivalent fractions. The entered number may be a fraction, a mixed number, or an integer. Integers are the numbers without any fraction. It also includes negative numbers. The numbers like -1, 0, and 1 are integers. By the combination of an integer and a fraction, we get a mixed fraction. For example, mixed numbers are . Just enter the number. Click on the "Calculate" button. Many of the equivalent fractions gets displayed on the screen.

Calculation of Equivalent Fractions

Equivalent Fractions of a fraction:

It's very easy to generate the equivalent fraction of the given fraction. Multiply the upper and the lower part of the fraction by the same number. While you multiply the fraction by the same numbers, you will get one equivalent fraction. For example, find the equivalent fraction of

-         Multiplying by 2, we get,

-         Multiplying by 3, we get,

-         Multiplying by 4, we get,

-         Multiplying by 5, we get,

Therefore, the equivalent fractions of , and so on.

Equivalent Fractions of Mixed Numbers:

Firstly, we have to convert it to an improper fraction. Using the adding formula for fractions we convert it to an improper fraction. After doing that repeat the same process as earlier. Then, multiply the upper and the lower part of the fraction by the same numbers. This will give you the equivalent fractions of the given mixed numbers. For example, find the equivalent fractions of

-         Converting the given mixed number to an improper fraction.

-         By using the adding fraction formula:we get

-         Multiply the fraction -s upper and lower part by same numbers.

-         Multiplying by 2, we get,

-         Multiplying by 3, we get,

-         Multiplying by 4, we get,

In this way, you will find out the equivalent fractions. Equivalent fractions of

Equivalent Fractions for integers:

For finding the equivalent fractions of an integer is very easy. Just you have to convert the integer to an improper fraction. After that repeat the same process. Multiply the upper and lower part of the fraction by the same numbers. This will give you the equivalent fractions of the given integer. For example, find the equivalent fraction of 3.

-         3 = ; which is an improper fraction.

-         Multiplying by 2, we get,

-         Multiplying by 3, we get,

-         Multiplying by 4, we get,

You will find out the equivalent fractions of the given integers. Equivalent fractions of 3 are