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LCD calculator

You can use this calculator to find the lowest common denominator (LCD) of fractions, integers and mixed numbers. Denominator should be same for fractions when you are performing operations such as addition or subtraction on fractions.

Enter comma separated fractions in the field below


Least Common Denominator

The bottom part of a fraction is the denominator. When two or more fractions have the same bottom part then they have common denominators. The smallest number of all the common bottom parts is the least common denominators (LCD).

For example, let 1/3 and 1/6 be two fractions. Therefore, 6 is the LCD of the given fractions. Here, the quality of 6 is that it is the smallest of all the common bottom parts of $1/3$ and $1/6$. The main reason to calculate the LCD of given fractions is to get the equivalent fractions. And these equivalent fraction will have the same bottom part. When two or more fractions have the same bottom part, they are like fractions. The quality of like fractions is that it is added or subtracted easily.

The Calculator:

This online calculator is very helpful for the users. It calculates the LCD of fractions, integers, and mixed numbers. It is also helpful in obtaining the equivalent fraction of the given fraction by using LCD. You have to enter the values of the fractions, integers, or mixed numbers. You have to put the commas between two value. Then click on the “Calculate” button. You’ll get the LCD of the numbers that you have entered. The equivalent fractions and the working will also get displayed on the screen.

How to calculate the LCD of fractions, integers, and mixed numbers?

Firstly, we have to convert the integers and mixed numbers (or mixed fractions) to improper fractions.

Secondly, if improper fractions are also entered. Then we have to find out the lowest common multiple (LCM) of the bottom parts of the proper and the improper fractions.

The LCM of the bottom parts is equal to the LCD of the proper and the improper fractions.

Hence, these are the working steps. In this way, the Calculator finds out the LCD of the fractions, integers, and mixed numbers.

For example, if you entered the numbers: 3, $1/2$, $2 {1/4}$, $4/3$.


$3 = 3/1$; which is an improper fraction.

$2 1/4 = 9/4$; it is obtained by using adding fraction formula: a/b+ c/d=(a×d)/(b×c).

Therefore, $2 1/4= 2/1+1/4= 9/4$ , which is also an improper fraction.

$1/2$ and $4/3$ are the proper and the improper fractions respectively.

Now, the LCM of 1, 4, 2, and 3 is 12.

That means the LCD of the entered numbers is 12.

How to get the equivalent fractions using LCD?

After getting the LCD, we have to find the equivalent fractions of the given fractions. To find the equivalent fractions, follow these steps.

Multiply the bottom parts of the fractions with such numbers so as to get the LCD.

Also, multiply the numerator by such number with which you have multiplied the bottom part.

At last, simplify it and you’ll get the equivalent fractions of the entered numbers.

For example, in above example, the LCD of the fractions $3/1, 9/(4 ), 1/2,and \; 4/3 \;is\; 12$. Therefore,

$(3×12)/(1×12), (9×3)/(4×3), (1×6)/(2×6),\;and\; (4×4)/(3×4)$.

Hence, $36/12, 27/12, 6/12,\;and\; 16/12$ are the equivalent fractions of the numbers that you entered in the box.