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Mixed Numbers Calculator

With the help of this calculator, one can easily add, subtract, multiply and divide mixed numbers and fractions. Large numbers greater than 1000 in numerator or denominator may produce no results. Maximum of 3 seconds are allotted for each calculation. Enter the mixed number as 1 1/2 which is one and one half. Keep exactly one space between whole number and the fraction. If you end up being on a white page with no output, click the back button and try again.

Mixed numbers/fractions calculator
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Mixed Numbers, Integers, and Fractions

An Integer is a number which is not a fraction. It may also include negative numbers like -1, -2, 0, and 1. A whole number is a number without any fraction like 0, 1, 2, and 3. It doesn’t include negative numbers.

Proper fractions are those in which numerator is less than the denominator. The number consisting of an integer and a proper fraction is a mixed number. For example, 1 ½ is a mixed number. This number has an integer value which is ‘1’ and a proper fraction which is ‘½’.

The use of Calculator:

This Calculator performs the arithmetic operations on many numbers. The numbers may be Mixed Numbers, Whole Numbers, Integers, and Improper fractions.

We have to input the numbers. Input a Mixed Number just like ‘3 1/2’. The input must have one space between the integer and the fraction. The input should not exceed 3 digits if the number is a Whole Number. If the input is a fraction the numerator and the denominator should not exceed 3 digits. After that input the operator between the operand.

Click on the “Calculate” button. The result and the working will gets displayed. If Mixed Number exists then the result is in Mixed Number. Otherwise, the result is in a reduced fraction. For the calculation of other numbers, click on the “Clear” button. Enter the numbers again and then calculate the result.

Addition of Mixed Numbers:

For example, we have to calculate

1 ½ + 3 ¾

Using the Addition Fraction Formula

         Convert the Mixed Numbers into Improper Fractions. For example $3/2 + 15/4$.

         Then using the algebraic formula: $p/q + r/s = {(p x s) + (q x r)} / (q x s)$. For example, $(3 x 4 + 15 x 2) / (4 x 2)$.

         After that simplify it and we will get the result.

$(12 + 30) / 8 = 42/8 = 21/4 $, which is the final result.

Subtraction of the Mixed Numbers:

For example, subtract $6 {1/4} - 2 {1/3}$.

The Subtracting Fractions Formula:

         Convert the Mixed Numbers into Improper fractions. For example, $25/4 – 7/3$.

         The use of algebraic formula for subtraction of fractions: $p/q – r/s = {(p x s) - (q x r)} / (q x s)$. For example, ${(25 x 3) – (7 x 4)} / (4 x 3)$.

         After that simplify it and we will get the result.

$47/12$ is the required result.

Multiplying Mixed numbers:

For example, multiply the fractions 5 ¼ and 1 ½.

The use of Multiplying Fractions Formula:

         Convert the Mixed Numbers into Improper Fractions. For example, $21/4 x 3/2$.

         The use of algebraic formula for multiplying the fractions: $p/q x r/s = (p x r)/(q x s)$.

For example, $(21 x 3) / (4 x 2)$.

         After that simplify it and we will get the result.

For example, $63/8$ is the required result.

Dividing Mixed Numbers:

For example, divide 5 ½ ÷ 6 ¼.

The use of Dividing Fractions Formula:

         Convert the Mixed Numbers into Improper Fractions. For example, $11/2 ÷ 25/4$.

         The use of algebraic formula for dividing the fractions: $p/q ÷ r/s = (p x s) / (q x r)$.

For example, $(11 x 4) / (2 x 25)$.

         After that simplify it and we will get the final result. For example, $22/25$ is the final result.

In such a way we can calculate the arithmetic problems by the help of this calculator.