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Percentage to Fraction Calculator

You can use this calculator to convert percentages to proper and improper fractions.

Fraction to Percentage




$$ = 3 / 50 $$

Different ways
$$6% = {6} / 100 $$
$$ = 0.06$$
$$ = 0.06 / 1 × 100 / 100 $$
$$ = 6 / 100 $$
$$ = 3 / 50 $$

Fraction and percentage

In mathematics, the set of all numbers that can be expressed in the form a/b, where a and b are integers and b is not zero.

In mathematics, a percentage is a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100.


A Fraction represents a part of whole or, more, generally more parts. The fraction consists of an integer numerator, and a non-integer denominator, displayed below that line also called divided by. Fractions can be represented as ratios and division. Thus the fraction ¾ can also be written as 3:4. And the division will be 3÷4.

For examples:

2/4 here 2 is the numerator and 4 is the denominator.

⅕ 1 shows the numerator and 5 is the denominator

⅝ 5 is the numerator and 8 is the denominator.


It is a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. It is often denoted using the sign “%”. It is a dimensionless number.

The percentage is also used to express the composition of a mixture by mass percentage and mole percent.

Now how to convert the fraction into the percentage.

For example, 75%(read as seventy-five percent)

Can also be written as 75/100, 75:100 or 0.75.

Percentages are often used to express a proportionate part of a total.

(Similarly, one can express a number as a fraction of 1,000 using the term “per mille” or the symbol “%”)

For example

If 60% of the mangoes are rotten this means that 60 of the mangoes out of 100 are rotten in the basket.

For example

If 50% of the total number students are absent that means 50 out of 100 students are absent. If there are 600 students than 300 are absent.

Now for converting a fraction into a percentage, we need to follow few of the steps like:

1: we need to reduce a fraction into its simpler form.

2: we need to convert it to its decimals

3: after converting it to decimals we need to multiply it by 100.

for example

  1. the given fraction is 2/4

hence it can easily be converted into its simple form dividing the numerator and denominator by 2.

It's the simplest form will be ½

Now converting it to its decimal form we need to divide the denominator by numerator which will here result in 0.5 after converting a fraction into its decimal value we need to multiply it by 100 to get fraction converted into a percentage

0.5*100 =50%

2.    now you need to convert ⅔ to its percentage we need to follow the same steps

Hence here the 1st step will be avoided because ⅔ won’t be converted into its simplest form

Now we will find out the decimal value for ⅔ by dividing the values and after the division we will get 0.6

Now we need to multiply it by 100

0.6*100= 60%

For example

Convert 3 ¼ to a percent

For conversion of this mixed fraction, we need to first convert it into it a proper fraction and then into its simplest form if possible and decimal 3.25 and then multiplying it by 100