Holy Cross Church

The Holy Cross Church was built in 1932 in Morawa. Designed along Spanish mission lines, it is a simple historic church built out of local stone, notably without the ornamentation common in other heritage churches of that era. If you are interested in early solar design you will appreciate its architecture which reflects an early attempt to deal with the harsh summer heat. The louvered shutters and heavy walls were designed to protect worshipers from the sun. It is also worth taking a look at what is rumoured to be the smallest presbytery in the world, built to barely fit a bed, small table and chair. With the advent of iron ore mining in Morawa, the Church was too small for the growing population and additions were carried out to allow an expanded capacity of 250 parishioners. The stone was sourced from the original quarry, with Toodyay stone used for the Sanctuary. The newly extended church was opened in June 1966. Morawa is a four and a half hour drive north of Perth. During the months of August through to October you will also be able to enjoy the abundance of beautiful wildflowers throughout the region.

Place category
  • Dance
Phone and website contact
08 9921 3999

Location for this activity
Corner of Dreghorn Street and Davis Street,
Morawa, 6623,
Western Australia

Location Holy Cross Church
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