Pinnacles Desert Discovery Centre

Set near one of Australia’s most fascinating areas – the Pinnacles Desert where thousands of huge limestone pillars rise from the shifting yellow sands – the Pinnacles Desert Discovery Centre takes you on a new dimension on your journey through Nambung National Park which runs beside the Turquoise Coast. The park has beautiful beaches, coastal dune systems, shady groves of tuart trees and low heathlands of plants that produce vibrantly coloured flowers between August and October. The centre is a stepping stone into the park with a track for walkers and an interpretive centre that encourages you to use all your senses to identify the hidden wonders and signs of life in the desert. Designed by John Nichols, project architect for Woodhead International, who also designed the award winning Karijini Visitors Centre, the Pinnacles Desert Discovery Centre has been designed in response to the landscape and has a strong relationship with the site that facilitates a sense of place to those who visit it. The Pinnacles Desert Discovery Centre is a must see on your journey through the Turquoise Coast.

Place category
  • Art
  • Park
Phone and website contact
08 9652 7913

Location for this activity
Nambung National Park,
Nambung, 6521,
Western Australia

Location Pinnacles Desert Discovery Centre
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