Mount Matilda

Mount Matilda near Wongan Hills offers a spectacular interpretive flora walk to its peak. Choose between the two hour Mount Matilda Walk suitable for all levels of fitness or the more challenging three hour loop, which covers a distance of seven kilometres. Wongan Hills Reserve is a home to a number of endangered species of wildflowers including 16 varieties that can only be found in this region. Read the informative plaques throughout the walk detailing the vegetation along the way. Learn about the interesting history of the trail which was initially proposed in the early 1900s but took 93 years to finally construct. Visit the four lookouts along the trail with magnificent view across the countryside. Mount Matilda is the highest peak within Wongan Hills and offers an uninterrupted panoramic view. For a more informative walk, visit the Wongan Hills Visitor Centre to book in for a guided tour of Mount Matilda. Mount Matilda is a 10 minute drive from the charming town of Wongan Hills and two and a half hour drive north of Perth. It is a nature lover’s paradise with a variety of scenic walks on offer.

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Phone and website contact
08 9671 1973

Location for this activity
Waddington Road,
Wongan Hills, 6603,
Western Australia

Location Mount Matilda
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