Uppacreek Guiding Ltd
Uppacreek Guiding Ltd

Uppacreek Guiding provides fly fishing excursions through out the top of the South Island. This includes single or multi day trips into the back country via helicopter, raft or foot that gets you away from the more heavily fished waters.
Come and experience the ultimate in freshwater flyfishing. Sight fishing to large NZ browns in crystal clear water in the backcountry riversof NZ. Double digit fish are possible every day you are out fishing.
As a member of the New Zealand Professional Fishing Guides Association (NZPFGA), we strive to give a safe, professional, and enjoyable experience out on the water.
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General rates information
Not provided
Phone and website contact
Location for this activity
Uppacreek Guiding Ltd
349 Central Road,
Upper Moutere, 7175,
Upper Moutere, 7175,
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