Shula's Lake House
Shula's Lake House

Shula's Lake House is a Bed & Breakfast accommodation on the shores of Lake Rotorua providing all the comforts and relaxation of home with the luxuries of great food and friendly hospitality. Enjoy the quiet, tranquil setting away from traffic noise and sulphur fumes. Ginie and Bob’s home offers fabulous panoramic views of Mokoia Island, Mt. Tarawera, and the surrounding hills. Ngongotaha Stream, renown for trout fishing, is only metres away. Spend your time relaxing on the sandy beach, fishing, kayaking Lake Rotorua and the streams, or just sitting on the deck listening to the birds and waterfowl. You are only 6km from Rotorua Centre so all the tourist attractions, thermal wonders, and Maori cultural activities are close at hand.
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Location for this activity
Shula's Lake House
9 Bedwardine Street,
Ngongotaha, 3010,
Ngongotaha, 3010,
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