TroutFishingNZ Rotorua Lakes Fishing Charters
TroutFishingNZ Rotorua Lakes Fishing Charters

Troutfishingnz Rotorua lakes trout fishing charters:
We fish the Lake Rotorua district including Lakes Rotoiti, Okataina, Rotoma, Rotoehu, Rerewhakaaitu, Tarawera also Lake Taupo and Lake Otamangakau and many other smaller lakes that offer great trout fishing.
We offer a wide variety of trout fishing options, boat charters with jigging, trolling, fly fishing or spinning. River fly fishing and spin fishing.
So whether you are an accomplished fly fisherman or just want to catch a trout we can arrange a trip for you.
Maritime NZ certified vessel, licenced for 4 passengers.
Your fishing guide:
Michael Rowntree has been charter fishing the North Island’s many lakes, rivers and streams since 1995.
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General rates information
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Location for this activity
TroutFishingNZ Rotorua Lakes Fishing Charters
1670 Sh30 Rd4,
Rotoiti, 3074,
Rotoiti, 3074,
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