Petrel Colony Tours
Petrel Colony Tours

Petrel Colony Tours provide two hour visits to view the largest mainland burrow-nesting petrel, the Westland Petrel on its only breeding grounds. Our award winning facility enables close views of the petrels as they go to and from their burrows and landing or take-off sites. Access is via a mixture of unformed track, walkway and boardwalk. The viewing shelter is within easy walking distance, but a level of fitness that can cope with the presence of stairways is required. We offer two tour options, the sunset tour and the sunrise tour. They enable viewing of peak activity when the petrels can be seen flying in to the breeding grounds during the first hour after sunset, or departing back out to sea during the last hour before sunrise.
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Location for this activity
Petrel Colony Tours
3770 Coast Road,
Punakaiki, 7873,
West Coast
Punakaiki, 7873,
West Coast
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