Brisbane Tutor in Creative Writing, English, English Literature, Essay Writing, Geography, History, Reading, Visual Arts (see below for full list of subjects and levels)
Brisbane Tutor in Creative Writing, English, English Literature, Essay Writing, Geography, History, Reading, Visual Arts (see below for full list of subjects and levels)

I am a fourth year university student studying Animation and Game Design at the Queensland University of technology. During my final year of high-school I achieved the top of my cohort in both English and Ancient History. Upon graduating, I achieved an OP4. I have tutored late high-school students and university students in 3D animation and Game Design for the past year. I am experienced with most highschool reading material including, but not limited to: -The complete works of Shakespeare -To Kill a Mockingbird -The Crudible -Looking for Alibrandi -Lord of the Flies I teach the following subjects of ancient history: -Rome -Greece -Prehistory -Egypt -China (Qin Dynasty) Any students wishing to learn about animation and game making, must have the appropriate programs. If you are curious about open source free 3D animation programs and game engines, feel free to call me and inquire. My rate is $25 per hour, and am quite happy to tutor groups for only $10 per additional student.
- Creative Writing
- English
- English Literature
- Essay Writing
- Geography
- History
- Reading
- Visual Arts
Expertise on above subjects
- Private Tuition
(One to One tuition) - Group Lessons
(Teaching two or more students in one session privately) - Home Visits
(Visting students home for private lessons) - Phone help
(Helping students over phone) - Online help
(Using Online Classroom, Skype, Yahoo, Google hangouts, Emails etc)
QCE (OP4) Double Degree in Fine Arts (Animation) and Information Technology(Game Design)
General rates information
Basic rate: $25 per hour For group sessions: $25 per hour with $10 per hour, per additional student. For students more than 15km away, I require a flat $10 travel charge.
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