Brisbane Tutor in Korean

Hi, my name is Jessica. Do you want to learn Korean? I'd like to say, "So Brilliant!! I can help you and be your friend." I have Bachelor's degree in family welfare, and Master's degree in family therapy from Sangmyeong University, Korea. And I have been teaching Korean to foreigners(Japanese, Pilipino, American) for 5 years in Korea. Whenever I teach Korean, I use usually Korean. Because it helps you to improve your Korean. And all lesson is designed for each student. If your goal is to communicate in Korean, I can be your good teacher. No Worries! I teach you as-you-go. And I promise to do my best to teach you and to help you reach your goals. About study materials, You don't need your text book. Whenever you have a lesson, we will have a conversation and I will correct error and teach some useful words. You only need to have your notebook, to review, and to do your homework. About places to study, I usually teach students at a library or a coffee shops. I look forward to hearing from you.

  • Korean
Expertise on above subjects
  • Private Tuition
    (One to One tuition)
  • Group Lessons
    (Teaching two or more students in one session privately)
  • Teaching Studio
    (Proper classroom setup inside your home or elsewhere)
  • Phone help
    (Helping students over phone)
  • Online help
    (Using Online Classroom, Skype, Yahoo, Google hangouts, Emails etc)
I have Bachelor's degree in family welfare, and Master's degree in family therapy.
General rates information
$30 per an hour $50 per 2 hours to pay upfront tuition fee for a month : 10% discount Student DiscountMention that you found this advertisement on Tutor Finder and you will receive your first lesson for half the normal hourly rate ($12.5 instead of $25).
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Sharon - 2259 days ago Hi is this an individual or group lesson?