MacKay Tutor in Business Studies, Computing, English, ESL, Essay Writing, History, Management, Mandarin, Maths, Reading, Society and Culture, Special Needs
MacKay Tutor in Business Studies, Computing, English, ESL, Essay Writing, History, Management, Mandarin, Maths, Reading, Society and Culture, Special Needs

Type of Tutoring: One to One Small Groups Advice Line Educational Consultant Assessment Advice Marking Advice Online Tutoring
- Business Studies
- English
- Essay Writing
- History
- Management
- Mandarin
- Maths
- Reading
- Society and Culture
- Special Needs
Expertise on above subjects
- Private Tuition
(One to One tuition) - Group Lessons
(Teaching two or more students in one session privately) - Teaching Studio
(Proper classroom setup inside your home or elsewhere) - Home Visits
(Visting students home for private lessons) - Phone help
(Helping students over phone) - Online help
(Using Online Classroom, Skype, Yahoo, Google hangouts, Emails etc)
2012 Master of Learning & Development, University of Southern Queensland, Australia 2010 Graduate Diploma in Learning and Teaching, University of Southern Queensland, Australia 2005 TESL, Canada Delter International Business Institute, Canada 2012 Certificate IV in Training and Assessing, TAFE Queensland, Australia 2009 Certificate IV in Disability Work, Ballinger Training and Consultancy, QLD, Australia 2009 Certificate of Completion of the Traineeship in Disability Work, Queensland Government, Australia 2005 Cambridge Business English High Level, University of Cambridge 2005 Certificate of Mandarin Level 1, Mandarin Training and Testing Centre, Language and Word Committee of Beijing
General rates information
Group tuition: $30 per hour per person. Maximum 3 students per group. Student DiscountSpecial Offer - 25% off hourly rate when more than one student.
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