Toowoomba Tutor in Biology, Chemistry, Communication Studies, Creative Writing, Essay Writing, Geography, Maths, Physics
Toowoomba Tutor in Biology, Chemistry, Communication Studies, Creative Writing, Essay Writing, Geography, Maths, Physics

I am a 29 year old registered teacher with the Queensland College of Teachers. I offer tutoring in high school maths and science and primary maths. I also hold a business degree and specialise in helping school students learn how to learn, how to understand and complete assignments and how to use their skills to study for assessment items. I am available most afternoons and evenings and some weekends by negotiation. I offer students tuition in a structured manner, utilising traditional approaches, as well as modern, computer based software packages. The tuition your child receives is tailored to suit their needs and is based on a common goal we set together at the beginning of my time with them. You will receive regular reports on how your child is progressing, and frequent communication regarding their learning goals. My students are welcome to contact me via Email, Skype of Facebook at any time through the week should they require specific assistance with homework problems outside their regular tutoring time. It is these value added services that help to set the tuition I offer aside from the rest.
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Communication Studies
- Creative Writing
- Essay Writing
- Geography
- Maths
- Physics
Expertise on above subjects
- Private Tuition
(One to One tuition) - Group Lessons
(Teaching two or more students in one session privately) - Home Visits
(Visting students home for private lessons) - Phone help
(Helping students over phone) - Online help
(Using Online Classroom, Skype, Yahoo, Google hangouts, Emails etc)
Advanced Diploma of Business Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Registered Teacher (QLD)
General rates information
$45 per hourStudent DiscountSpecial Offer - All new students receive their first lesson for free. We use this lesson to develop goals together.
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