Adelaide Tutor in Music Theory, Piano

My name is Andy. I've been playing the piano for more than 12 years. I'm a musical school graduate. I've participated in various musical competitions devoted to the best classical composers. Today I mostly play my own improvisations and elaborate a special technique of impromptu playing to transfer this knowledge to people who are passionate about music. Basically, my students want to learn how to play piano within a short period of time as they don't want to spend years on this activity. They want to amaze their friends and family members as quick as possible! Due to this I started to teach students how to learn to improvise, as this gives a quick solution to the question. I offer a quick method to learn piano even without need of basic understanding of piano. Introduction to notes will be given if wanted. Mobile number: 0406736990 Address: 197 Gover st. North Adelaide

  • Music Theory
  • Piano
Expertise on above subjects
  • Private Tuition
    (One to One tuition)
  • Home Visits
    (Visting students home for private lessons)
General rates information
$20 per hour
Phone and website contact

My Location
South Australia

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