Melbourne Tutor in Biochemistry, Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, English Literature, Essay Writing, Maths, Microbiology, Piano, Psychology, Reading, Statistics
Melbourne Tutor in Biochemistry, Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, English Literature, Essay Writing, Maths, Microbiology, Piano, Psychology, Reading, Statistics

I am a second year student at the University of Melbourne, undertaking a Bachelor's degree in Science and a concurrent diploma in Mathematics. I finished VCE in 2012 with an ATAR of 96.68. I have completed Literature, Further Maths, Mathematical Methods (CAS), Psychology, Biology, Chemistry and Studio Arts, and would be happy to tutor any of these subjects. I have also completed further study in Chemistry, Biology, Literature, Psychology and Maths at University and thus am particularly knowledgable in these areas. I have a wealth of experience in exams and can offer students extra exam counselling. Having been through the process many times, I am privy to the fact that it is one thing to know the subject content but another thing entirely to be able to answer exam questions effectively. I can advise students in how to tailor their responses to fit examiners' elusive expectations for the particular subject. I am a particularly strong essay writer, and can offer essay-writing help. This is an invaluable skill to have, as you will use it continually throughout any Tertiary study and is applicable to virtually any job. I have also completed up to Grade 8 AMEB piano (practical) and can offer beginners or intermediate piano lessons. I can either come to your house provided you have a piano, or you can come to my house to receive the lesson. I am available most nights and any time on Mondays, Thursdays, and Weekends.
- Biochemistry
- Biology
- Calculus
- Chemistry
- English Literature
- Essay Writing
- Maths
- Microbiology
- Piano
- Psychology
- Reading
- Statistics
Expertise on above subjects
- Private Tuition
(One to One tuition) - Group Lessons
(Teaching two or more students in one session privately) - Teaching Studio
(Proper classroom setup inside your home or elsewhere) - Home Visits
(Visting students home for private lessons) - Phone help
(Helping students over phone) - Online help
(Using Online Classroom, Skype, Yahoo, Google hangouts, Emails etc)
- 96.68 ATAR - 45 study score Psychology - 43 study score Chemistry - 42 study score Literature - 41 study score Mathematical Methods (CAS) - Grade 8 AMEB Piano (practical) - Current Bachelor of Science and Diploma in Mathematics at The University of Melbourne
General rates information
$25 p/hour (negotiable) Rate will depend on distance travelled and other factors (e.g. group discounts etc).
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