
Basic Maths Vocabulary for Foundation and Grade 1 kids

Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 2nd Dec 2015

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This video lesson covers some core mathematical operation sign and explains what they are and what are they called. e.g. + is called a plus sign and is used in addition/sum/adding, all these words are important to know for kids as they lay the foundation for what's coming up. Please remember that this is a classroom style lesson and do not use Cartoons to explain certain things. Thus, age for kids who wish to take this lesson is recommended to be 6+ and this lesson assumes kids already have some idea of what addition, subtraction, division and multiplication operations are and how to perform those for smaller numbers.

Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 2nd Dec 2015

Please get in touch with your teacher or tutor in case you have a question related to this lesson

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In this lesson, tutor explains about different math operations. this lesson does not explain how to add, subtract or divide and multiply. However, this lesson explains about the different words used in all these different operations. contacted tutor if you have any questions so that answers can be added to FAQ. if you like to see any improvement in such lessons please send your feedback and subjectCoach will be notified.