
Investigate conditions for two lines to be parallel

Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 20th Jul 2016

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In this video lesson series we will Investigate conditions for two lines to be parallel and solve simple numerical problems and Identify corresponding, alternate and co-interior angles when two straight lines are crossed by a transversal


  • constructing parallel and perpendicular lines using their properties, a pair of compasses and a ruler, and dynamic geometry software
  • defining and identifying the relationships between altenate, corresponding and co-interior angles for a pair of parallel lines cut by a transversal
  • defining and classifying pairs of angles as complementary, supplementary, adjacent and vertically opposite

Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 20th Jul 2016

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In this video lesson, we will Identify corresponding, alternate and co-interior angles when two straight lines are crossed by a transversal

defining and classifying pairs of angles as complementary, supplementary, adjacent and vertically opposite

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