Free tests for Foundation to Grade 8 students


Replacing the plural noun with a pronoun

Replacing the plural noun with a pronoun for Grade 2 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.

Intermediate difficulty

Replacing the singular noun with a pronoun

Replacing the singular noun with a pronoun for Grade 2 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.

Intermediate difficulty

Rhyming words - 3 Letters

Rhyming words - 3 Letters for Grade 1,2 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.

Intermediate difficulty

Rhyming words - 4 Letters

Rhyming words - 4 Letters for Grade 1,2 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.

Intermediate difficulty

Roman numerals I, V, X, L

Roman numerals I, V, X, L for Grade 2 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.

Intermediate difficulty

Rounding off Numbers - Four Digits

Rounding off Numbers - Four Digits for Grade 2 kids. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.

Intermediate difficulty

Rounding off Numbers - Three Digits

Rounding off Numbers - Three Digits for Grade 2 kids. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.

Intermediate difficulty

Rounding off Numbers - Two Digits

Rounding off Numbers - Two Digits for Grade 2 kids. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.

Intermediate difficulty

Rounding to the nearest five cents

Rounding to the nearest five cents for Grade 2 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.

Intermediate difficulty

Rounding to the nearest five cents - set 2

Rounding to the nearest five cents - set 2 for Grade 2 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.

Intermediate difficulty