Free tests for Foundation to Grade 8 students


Filling in the missing correlative conjunction

- Filling in the missing correlative conjunction for Grade 6 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.

Intermediate difficulty

Finding antonyms in context

- Finding antonyms in context for Grade 6 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.

Intermediate difficulty

Finding start and end times

Finding start and end times for Grade 6 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.

Intermediate difficulty

Finding synonyms in context

- Finding synonyms in context for Grade 6 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.

Intermediate difficulty

Finding the missing exponent or base

Finding the missing exponent or base for Grade 6 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.

Intermediate difficulty

Finding what percent one number is of another

Finding what percent one number is of another for Grade 6 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.

Intermediate difficulty

Finding what percent one number is of another word problems

Finding what percent one number is of another word problems for Grade 6 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.

Intermediate difficulty

Formatting and capitalising titles review

- Formatting and capitalising titles review for Grade 6 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.

Intermediate difficulty

Formatting titles

- Formatting titles for Grade 6 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.

Intermediate difficulty

Forming and use comparative and superlative adjectives

- Forming and use comparative and superlative adjectives for Grade 6 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.

Intermediate difficulty