Comparing decimals
- Comparing decimals for Grade 7 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.
Intermediate difficulty
Comparing mixed numbers and improper fractions
- Comparing mixed numbers and improper fractions for Grade 7 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.
Intermediate difficulty
Comparing percents to fractions and decimals
- Comparing percents to fractions and decimals for Grade 7 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.
Intermediate difficulty
Comparing rational numbers
- Comparing rational numbers for Grade 7 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.
Intermediate difficulty
Completing addition and subtraction sentences with integers
- Completing addition and subtraction sentences with integers for Grade 7 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.
Intermediate difficulty
Completing multiplication and division sentences with integers
- Completing multiplication and division sentences with integers for Grade 7 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.
Intermediate difficulty
Compound interest
- Compound interest for Grade 7 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.
Intermediate difficulty
Compound subjects and objects with 'I' and 'me'
Compound subjects and objects with 'I' and 'me' for Grade 7 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.
Intermediate difficulty
Compound subjects and objects with pronouns
Compound subjects and objects with pronouns for Grade 7 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.
Intermediate difficulty
Converting between cubic metres and litres
- Converting between cubic metres and litres for Grade 7 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.
Intermediate difficulty