Identifying rational and irrational numbers
- Identifying rational and irrational numbers for Grade 8 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.
Intermediate difficulty
Identifying representative, random and biased samples
- Identifying representative, random and biased samples for Grade 8 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.
Intermediate difficulty
Identifying terms and coefficients
- Identifying terms and coefficients for Grade 8 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.
Intermediate difficulty
- Inequalities for Grade 8 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.
Intermediate difficulty
Integer addition and subtraction rules
- Integer addition and subtraction rules for Grade 8 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.
Intermediate difficulty
Integer inequalities with absolute values
- Integer inequalities with absolute values for Grade 8 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.
Intermediate difficulty
Integer multiplication and division rules
- Integer multiplication and division rules for Grade 8 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.
Intermediate difficulty
Lowest common denominator
- Lowest common denominator for Grade 8 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.
Intermediate difficulty
Lowest common multiple
- Lowest common multiple for Grade 8 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.
Intermediate difficulty
Mean, median, mode and range- find the missing number
- Mean, median, mode and range- find the missing number for Grade 8 students. To get a pass, score at least 80% correct answers.
Intermediate difficulty