Getting started with JDBC
Batch Processing
Batch Processing allows group related SQL statements into batch and submit them with one call to database. Sending Several SQL into database will improve performance and communication overhead.
Batching with Statement Object:
Batch processing typical sequence of steps to use Statment Object:
- Create a Statement object methods.
- Add many SQL statements into batch using addBatch()
- Execute all SQL statements using executeBatch()
- Commit all changes.
The following code snippet Statement object:
// statement Create object
Statement stmtmnt = conn1.createStatement();
//Set auto-commit false
// SQL Create
String SQL = "INSERT INTO USER (user_id, user_first,user_last,user_age) " +
"VALUES(200,'Zen', 'L', 31)";
// SQL statement in batch.
// add SQL statement
String SQL = "INSERT INTO USER (user_id,user_first,user_last,user_age) " +
"VALUES(201,'Ranch', 'K', 35)";
// Add above SQL statement in the batch.
// Create an int[] to hold returned values
int[] count = stmtmnt.executeBatch();
//Explicitly commit statements to apply changes
This tutorial is focused on getting you started with JDBC 4.1. This tutorial has following parts
- Introduction
- SQL Syntax
- Setting up Environment
- Getting started with some samples
- Connecting to database
- Statements
- Result Sets
- Data Types
- Transactions
- Exception handling
- Batch Processing
- Streaming Data
- More JDBC Examples
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Understanding of Java language a must to understand various things in this tutorial
Absolute beginners who wants to get started with JDBC
Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 8th Mar 2015
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