
How to perform analysis for CSS rules on your website

Resources and Conclusion

We learned what specificity means and how to make use of cssstats online tool. Here are some resources that you can go on and read


When developing for web, responsibility of coding is shared between backend and frontend devs. Frontend devs should make use of understanding of CSS analysis and apply best practices for code maintainability. Removed any redundant rules and make stylesheet better for the web project.

Code refactoring should be done so that other members of the team that will join you can easily understand and start working effortlessly on your project. So instead of "I like this so lets do it this way" change your attitude to "Let me check what the best practice is for this"

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. Any feedback is appreciated. There could potentially be some errors so hopefully while learning and reading other resources I provided, you will come back to correct this article

Thanks for reading..


In this tutorial I will take you through to how we perform analysis on a website and how to make use of use of web based analysis webiste called

This tutorial has 3 parts to it 

  1. How to perform CSS Analysis on your website
  2. Understanding and acting on gathered alaysis data
  3. Conclusion and other readings

This tutorial is followed by a quick Quiz and results will be available straightaway. 

This tutorial is provided FREE of charge and I hope that you will like it and learn something new from it. 



A internet connected PC and a web browser.


Understanding on what Cascading stylesheet is.


Students keen to learn how to perform CSS analysis and learning how to use

Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 2nd Dec 2014

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