Quick introduction to Java Programming language - Part 1
What is Java?
What is java?
Java is an Object Oriented programming language developed by James Gosling from Sun Microsystems, first released version of Java 1.0 in 1995. Sun Microsystems was acquired by the Oracle in 2010.The current Java version is Java 1.7 which is also called asJava 7.
Platform: Any software environment in which a program execute, is called as a platform. Since Java has its own runtime environment (JRE) and API, is known asplatform.The Java platform allows developers to codding in various different languages than the Java, which still runs on the Java virtual machine (JVM). Java is Open Source.
Where it is used?
There are various software devices where java is currently used. Some of them are as follows:
- Mobile
- Embedded System
- Games
- Enterprise Applications such as banking applications.
- Smart Cards
- Desktop Applications: antivirus, media player etc.
- Web Applications such as irctc.co.in, javatpoint.com etc.
- Robotics etc.
Features of Java:
- It is successor of C++: Familiar to programmers.
- It omits various rarely used, difficult to understand, confusing features of C/C++, like pointers,multiple inheritance, operator overloading etc.
Added simplify features are:
- Java hasGarbage collection, so there no worry about storage management, which resultstobugs.
- It has rich predefined class library
- In an object-oriented system, a classis a group of data and methods. The data and methods describe the state and behavior of an object. Arrangements of classes arein a hierarchy, so that a subclass can inherit behavior from its superclass.
- The Java compiler generates byte-codes, rather than source code.
- To run a Java program, use the Java interpreter to execute the compiled byte-codes. The code is designed to transport code efficiently to various platforms.
Java has been designed for coding highly robust software:
- Java does automatic garbage collection, hence there will be no memory leaks
- Lesscompile-time so bugs can be found early.
It enables users to build virus-free, tamper-free systems. Authentication is achieved based on public-key encryption.
Java compilergeneratesbytecodes, which is not dependent on any architecture of computer, hence easy to interpret on any machine.
- It is possible to write programs that can do many tasks simultaneously. This feature allows users to construct easily running interactive applications.
- The java.lang package provides a Thread class, supports methods to start, run, and stop a thread.
To adapt to an evolving environment:
- Java loads in classes as they are needed, even from across the network
- It defers various decisions like object layout to execution time, which solves various version problems of C++
Required Tools are:
The following software’s:
- Operating System: Flavors of Windows like XP/7/8 or Linux
- Java JDK(Java Development tool Kit)
- Notepad / any text editor
This tutorial is targetted for beginers seeking a quick get on with guide on Java programming language. 3 parts include
- Java basics
- Object oriented programming
- Advance concepts
Each part is subdivided in multiple chapters.
Java basics has the following chapters
- Introduction
- Environment Setup
- Basic Syntax
- Objects and Classes
- Basic Data Types
- Variable Types
- Modifier Types
- Basic Operators
- Loops
- Decision Making
- Numbers Class
- Character and String Class
- Arrays
- Date and Time
- Regular Expression
- Methods
- Streams, Files and I/O
- Exceptions Handling
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Beginners or students seeking a refresher on Java language
Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 9th Mar 2015
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