Getting Started with NoSQL
This course introduces you to NoSQL databases and touch on various subjects. We will use CouchDb to explain things that are common with many NoSQL databases.
This course is divided into 16 chapters
- Intro
- Prerequisites
- What is NoSQL
- What kinds of data stores are available.
- Learn CAP theorem
- When to use NoSQL databases.
- CouchDB
- Install CouchDB on Windows
- Install CouchDB on Linux.
- Storing data
- Retreive stored data
- Querying data, Creating customer views and using Map Reduce function
- A word on attachments, querying attachments and deplying a simple webpage application on CouchDB
- Securing CouchDB
- Partitioning
- Other NoSQL databases and A word on where to go from here.
We hope that you will enjoy this course. If you have any feedback please send it through.
Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 2nd Jan 2015
Please get in touch with your teacher or tutor in case you have a question related to this lesson
None just yet!
When you install CouchDB, it is not secure by default. Anyone can write to, or read from it. This is ok when you are developing your application, however its not a good idea to go with default setup in production.
Fortunately CouchDB provides a way to secure itself, and that too! very easily.
From the lower right corner, where it says, everyone is admin! Click on fix it link,
Provide a user name and password, this user is super admin. You can also create privilege users for each database, but that's out of scope for this course.
Once you create an admin, its not by itself very secure, we have to tell CouchDB to enforce it.
We will now go to Configuration tab from right hand navigation, and search for require underscore valid underscore user.
Edit value of this field from false to true. That's it. CouchDB is now secure.
Let's test it by using a Chrome extension called, Postman REST Client.
Punch in our blog database URL and click Send button.
You are now required to enter a user name and a password.
In next video I will discuss Partitioning.