
Getting Started with NoSQL

Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 2nd Jan 2015

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This course introduces you to NoSQL databases and touch on various subjects. We will use CouchDb to explain things that are common with many NoSQL databases. 

This course is divided into 16 chapters

  1. Intro
  2. Prerequisites 
  3. What is NoSQL
  4. What kinds of data stores are available.
  5. Learn CAP theorem
  6. When to use NoSQL databases.
  7. CouchDB
  8. Install CouchDB on Windows
  9. Install CouchDB on Linux.
  10. Storing data
  11. Retreive stored data
  12. Querying data, Creating customer views and using Map Reduce function
  13. A word on attachments, querying attachments and deplying a simple webpage application on CouchDB
  14. Securing CouchDB
  15. Partitioning
  16. Other NoSQL databases and  A word on where to go from here.


We hope that you will enjoy this course. If you have any feedback please send it through.

Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 2nd Jan 2015

Please get in touch with your teacher or tutor in case you have a question related to this lesson

None just yet!

When can you use NoSQL?

With all the goodness that NoSQL has to offer, one must be thinking that where should they use NoSQL, below are some of the scenarios where I believe NoSQL data stores makes sense. You should use NoSQL when,

Your relational database can not scale to your traffic at an acceptable cost as your NoSQL database.
Where ACID guarantees are not required. Example, if you record votes for your articles, then consistency can be forfeited, because data will be available at some point after writes.
Where dataset can grow extremely large, Example includes, analytics data for your website.
NoSQL is rather very useful for creating prototypes or fast applications as it provides a tool to develop new features easily.
When you wish to use an intermediate layer for caching data to avoid read trips to your DBMS.
Use NoSQL for Data aggregation and analysis.

When NOT to use NoSQL?!

Avoid using NoSQL databases when your application requires run-time flexibility.
It cannot necessarily guarantee the ACID (Atomicity,Consistancy,Isolation,Durability) properties for your transactions. So financial transactions requiring these properties can be well off by using traditional RDBMS systems such as MySQL.
Where complex JOINS are required
If consistency is mandatory and there will be no drastic changes in terms of the data volume then relational databases would be a better option as compared to NoSQL databases.

In next few videos we will learn to use CouchDB.