• Schools sign up for our cutting edge tools that are used by teachers for various curriculum related tasks.

  • Tutors use our tools/content to help with their tutoring efforts.

  • Students can download worksheets, practice with our adaptive skill builders, typing tutor, NAPLAN tests and so much more.

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SubjectCoach Features


Website widgets

Website widget is an important concept, even though SubjectCoach will show you up on Google search engine results page but it will take a while for that to happen. Google or Bing do not collaborate their data overnight however they do that every few weeks apart. This would mean that your target audience will primarily be delivered by us.

SubjectCoach widget could be really important for you in case you run a website or blog
First point of contact to you can be your website or blog and putting your availability on your website or blog would really be cool. Imagine if student can check your availability and book you up for a private lesson originating from your website. This is exactly what our Widget do.


Widget installation is per listing based, i.e. each listing will have its own widget. Installation embed code can be installed on any website exactly the same way as you embed Youtube videos say for instance