Quick to the point introduction to Spring Framework
Java Based Configuration
This annotation indicates that the class can be used by the container of Spring IoC as a source of bean definitions.
@Bean Annotations:
this annotation returns an object that should be registered as a bean in the Spring application context.
Let's check these annotations with use of an example
First up is our old friend class called Student, which has @Configuration and @Bean annotations as shown below
Java file: Student
package pack1; @Configuration public class Student { private String sname; @Bean public void setName(String sname) { this.sname = sname; } }
The configuration file is Beans.xml:
<beans> <bean id="student" class="pack1.Student " /> </beans>
Java file: ExmTest
package pack1; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext; public class ExmTest { public static void main(String[] args) { ApplicationContext cont = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("Beans.xml"); Student stud = cont.getBean("studentBean "); stud.setName("Nimrit"); System.out.println("Name : " + stud.getName()); stud.printName(); } }
Compile and run the program will get the below result:
Name : Nimrit
To load many configuration classes:
public static void main(String[] args) { AnnotationConfigApplicationContext con = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(); con.register(BeanConfig.class, ExmConfig.class); con.register(UtilityConfig.class); con.refresh(); MyService myService = con.getBean(MyService.class); myService.doStuff(); }
Injecting Bean Dependencies:
The dependency is as same as one method of bean calling another when @Beans have dependencies on one another.
Java file: Student
package pack1; import org.springframework.context.annotation.*; @Configuration public class StudentConfig { @Bean public Student student() { return new Student(); }@Bean public Student_Details student_details() { return new Student_Details; } }
Java file: Student
package pack1; public class Student { private Student_Details student_details; public Student(Student_Details student_details) { System.out.println("Inside Student constructor"); this.student_details = student_details; } public void address() { student_details.stud_Address(); } }
Java file: Student_Details
package pack1; public Student_Details() { System.out.println("Inside Student_Details constructor"); } public void stud_Address() { System.out.println("Inside stud_Address"); }
Java file: ExmTest
package pack1; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.context.annotation.*; public class MainApp { public static void main(String[] args) { ApplicationContext app = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(StudentConfig.class); Student st = app.getBean(Student.class); st.address(); } }
Compile and run the program will get the below result:
Inside Student_Details constructor
Inside Student constructor
Inside Stud_Address
The @Import Annotation:
@Import: For loading @Bean
definitions from another configuration class. Example:
@Configuration public class StudentX { @Bean public X x() { return new X(); } }
To import above declared Bean in another Bean Declaration is as shown:
@Configuration @Import(StudentX.class) public class StudentY { @Bean public Y y() { return new X(); } }
When instantiating the context we need not to specify both StudentX.class
and StudentY.class
, just StudentY
only needs to be supplied
public static void main(String[] args) { ApplicationContext app = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(StudentY.class); // both beans X and Y will be available. X x= app.getBean(X.class); Y y = app.getBean(Y.class); }
Lifecycle Callbacks:
The annotation @Bean supports callback methods initialization and destruction of them, it is same as Spring XML's init-method and destroy-method attributes on the element of bean:
public class Student { public void beanInit() { // initialization } public void destroy() { // destruction } } @Configuration public class StudentConfig { @Bean(beanInitMethod = "init", destroyMethod = "destroy" ) public Student student() { return new Student(); } }
Specifying Bean Scope:
User can override by using the annotation @Scope where this is default scope is singleton.
@Configuration public class StudentConfig {@Bean@Scope("prototype") public Student student() { return new Student(); } }
In next part of this guide we will take a look at event handling in Spring.
This tutorial covers various topics releated to Spring Framework as listed below
- Framework Overview
- Modules
- Environment Setup
- Saying Hello World with Spring
- IoC Containers
- Bean Definition
- Bean Scopes
- Bean Life Cycle
- Bean Post Processors
- Bean Definition Inheritance
- Dependency Injection
- Injecting Inner Beans
- Injecting Collection
- Beans Auto-Wiring
- Annotation Based Configuration
- Java Based Configuration
- Event Handling in Spring
- Custom Events in Spring
- JDBC Framework Overview
- Transaction Management
Prior knowledge of Java is essential
Beginners or students seeking quick introduction to Spring
Learning Objectives
This tutorial is for beginners seeking quick introduction to Spring Framework.
Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 22nd Jun 2015
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