
Quick to the point introduction to Spring Framework


Spring is a group of application enterprise, where user can choose which modules are applicable ignoring the rest modules. Spring framework have the following modules such as (Data Access Integration) JDBC, ORM, OXM, JMS, Transaction, Web (MVC / Remoting), Servlet, Portlet, Struts, AOP, Aspects, Instrumentation,  (Core Container)beans, core, context, expression language.

The Spring framework architecture is as shown in below diagram.

Spring Framework Architecture


Data Access/Integration:

This is a group having the following modules JDBC, ORM, OXM, JMS and Transaction. Basically these modules provide support to database interaction.

  • JDBC: The module provides a JDBC-abstraction layer which helps in JDBC related programming.
  • ORM: The module provides integration layers for object-relational mapping APIs, JPA, hibernate, including iBatis, and JDO.
  • OXM: The module provides an abstraction layer that supports Object/XML mapping implementations for Castor, JAXB, XMLBeans, XStream, and JiBX.
  • JMS: The module contains features for messages creating and consuming it.
  • Transaction: The module supports declarative and programmatic transaction classes management which implement special interfaces and for all POJOs.

Web (MVC / Remoting):

This is a group having the following modules Web, Servlet, Portlet and Struts which support to create application of web.

  • Web: The module provide basic web-oriented integration features like file-upload of multipart functionality and the IoC container initialization using servlet listeners and a context of web-oriented application.
  • Servlet: The module contain spring’s model-view-controller (MVC) implementation for web applications.
  • Portlet: The module provides implementation of MVC to be used in an environment of portlet and mirrors the functionality of module Servlet.
  • Struts: The module contains support integrating classes for a classic Struts web tier within an application of spring.

AOP, Aspects and Instrumentation:

There are important modules such as AOP, Instrumentation, Aspects, Test modules and Web whose detail is as follows:

  • AOP: This module provides implementation of aspect-oriented programming allow defining method-interceptors and pointcuts to cleanly decouple code.
  • Aspects: This module provides integration with AspectJ which is a powerful and mature framework of (AOP) aspect oriented programming.
  • Instrumentation: This module provides instrumentation class support and implementations of class loader to be used in certain servers of application.
  • Test: This module supports the Spring components testing with framework TestNG/JUnit.

Core Container:

The Core Container consists of modules are Core, Beans, Context, and Expression Language:

  • Core: The module provides the framework fundamental parts, including the features of IoC and Dependency Injection.
  • Bean: The module provides BeanFactory which is a sophisticated the factory pattern implementation.
  • Context: The module builds on strong base provided by modules Core, Beans and is a medium to access any objects defined and configured. The interface ApplicationContext is focal point of Context module.
  • Expression Language: The module provides a powerful expression language for manipulating and querying an object graph at runtime.


This tutorial covers various topics releated to Spring Framework as listed below

  • Framework Overview
  • Modules
  • Environment Setup
  • Saying Hello World with Spring
  • IoC Containers
  • Bean Definition
  • Bean Scopes 
  • Bean Life Cycle
  • Bean Post Processors
  • Bean Definition Inheritance
  • Dependency Injection
  • Injecting Inner Beans
  • Injecting Collection
  • Beans Auto-Wiring
  • Annotation Based Configuration
  • Java Based Configuration
  • Event Handling in Spring
  • Custom Events in Spring
  • JDBC Framework Overview
  • Transaction Management




Prior knowledge of Java is essential


Beginners or students seeking quick introduction to Spring

Learning Objectives

This tutorial is for beginners seeking quick introduction to Spring Framework.

Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 22nd Jun 2015

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