Grade 2-5: Proof reading
Aim of this video lesson is to help you edit proof read your own and other's workElaborationsediting for flow and sense, organisation of ideas and choice of language, revising ...

Legible, fluent and automatic handwriting
Aim of this lesson is to help you develop a handwriting style that is becoming legible, fluent and automatic. This lesson just cover the basics, however its you, who shou...

Grade 1-5 Using word processing software
Aim of this video lesson is to show you, how to use word processing software, in this video we use Microsoft Word, but you can use other software such as Open Office, Google Docs e...

Difference between bias, fact and opinion
Aim of this video lesson is to help you understand the difference between bias, fact and opinion. Your coach will provide several examples, we recommend that you practise a fair bi...

Formal and informal words and sentences
Aim of this video lesson is to help you understand what formal and informal expressions are. Exactly what they mean and in which situation you use either of them.

Division by a one digit number, including those that result in a remainder
In this video lesson, you coach will teach you techniques that will make it simple for you to divide any number with single digit numbers.Elaborationsusing the fact that equivalent...

Efficient strategies for solving Four operation problems
This is a generic lesson where we learn about some strategies to deal with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This lesson is suitable for Grade 4,5 and 6 students ...

Unit Fractions
In this video lesson, we will be comparing and ordering common unit fractions and locate and represent them on a number lineElaborationsrecognising the connection between the ...

Place value system beyond hundredths
In this video lesson, your tutor will show you how the place value system can be extended beyond hundredths. There are several examples provided to help you understand t...

In this video lesson, we will learn how to do simple financial plans that involve costs and budgeting. This is a classroom style lesson discussing a real world example to help you ...