Number sentences for addition and subtraction
In this video lesson you will learn aboutDescribing patterns with numbers and identify missing elements.Solving problems by using number sentences for addition or subtraction. ...

Comparing shapes and objects
In this video lesson, your coach will compare several shapes and objects based on length, area, volume and capacity using appropriate uniform informal units. Plus we will also lear...

Telling time
You may well know how to tell time, however if you don't then this introductory video lesson on telling time is a must to watch. This lesson covers the basics, telling time to ...

Months, seasons and calendar
In this video lesson, you will learn about names and order for months and seasons. Plus you will also learn on using a calendar to identify the date and determine the number ...

Two and Three dimensional shapes
In this video lesson, you will familiarize yourself with two and three dimensional shapes. This is a 2 part lesson, first chapter covers the 2 dimensional shapes and second chapter...

Location and transformation
In this video lesson, your coach will concentrate on discussing. how to Interpret simple maps of familiar locations and identify the relative positions of key features and Inv...

Probability / Chance
In this video lesson, we will look into outcomes of practical activities and everyday events as likely or unlikely and identify some events as certain or impossible.

Data representation and interpretation
This video lesson is focused on gathering and representing data relevant to a question of interest based on one categorical variable.Collect, check and classify data.Plus creating ...

Conditions required for a number to be odd or even
In this video lesson, we will Investigate the conditions required for a number to be odd or even and identify odd and even numbers Elaborationsidentifying even numbe...

Numbers to 10000 (Ten thousand)
In this video lesson, we will look into recognising, modelling, representing and ordering numbers to at least 10 000 Elaborationsplacing four-digit numbers on a number line us...