Free video lessons for Foundation to Grade 8 students

SubjectCoach | Identify angles

Identify angles

In this video, your coach will talk about everyday angles, Identifying angles as measures of turn and compare angle sizes in everyday situationsElaborationsopening doors ...

1 videos
Intermediate difficulty
Grade 3/Maths
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Interpreting simple grid maps

Interpreting simple grid maps

In this video lesson, your coach will show you how to interpret simple grid maps. We will experiment by creating a hand drawn map and then interpret as we go.

1 videos
Intermediate difficulty
Grade 3/Maths
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Symmetry


In this video lesson, we will look into Identifying symmetry in the environmentElaborationsidentifying symmetry in Aboriginal rock carvings or artidentifying symmetry in the n...

1 videos
Intermediate difficulty
Grade 3/Maths
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Chance experiments

Chance experiments

This video lesson is on probability, We will conduct chance experiments, identify and describe possible outcomes and recognise variation in resultsElaborations conducting repe...

1 videos
Intermediate difficulty
Grade 3/Maths
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Categorical variables

Categorical variables

Identify questions or issues for categorical variables. Identify data sources and plan methods of data collection and recordingWe will look exactly into this in this...

1 videos
Intermediate difficulty
Grade 3/Maths
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Data displays

Data displays

In this video lesson, we will look into Collecting data, organise into categories and create displays using lists, tables, picture graphs and simple column graphs, w...

1 videos
Intermediate difficulty
Grade 3/Maths
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Interpret and compare data displays

Interpret and compare data displays

In this video lesson, we will look into Interpreting and comparing data displays. This video lesson does not go into depth, but can be a starting point for you.Elaboratio...

1 videos
Intermediate difficulty
Grade 3/Maths
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Gravity


In this video lesson, your coach will touch base on the topic of Gravity, In essence, you will be introduced to it. This is not an advanced lesson on Gravity, however will help you...

2 videos
Basic difficulty
Grade 3/Science
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Human growth and characteristics

Human growth and characteristics

In this video lesson, In this lesson, you will learn how humans grow and how do they change.  We develop physically, socially and intellectually, as we grow.Study of huma...

2 videos
Intermediate difficulty
Grade 3/Science
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Reproduction


In this video lesson, You will learn about what reproduction is.We will be introduced to a couple of important factsFirstWe will observe that all animals have offspring, usually wi...

1 videos
Basic difficulty
Grade 3/Science
0 0 0