Free video lessons for Foundation to Grade 8 students

SubjectCoach | Chemical Sciences: Different materials can be combined for a particular purpose

Chemical Sciences: Different materials can be combined for a particular purpose

In this video lesson, you will beexploring the local environment to observe a variety of materials, and describing ways in which materials are usedinvestigating the effects of mixi...

2 videos
Basic difficulty
Grade 2/Science
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Earth's resources

Earth's resources

In this video lesson we will learn about the type of resources available to us.Resources are the everyday things we use daily and can’t be replaced....

2 videos
Basic difficulty
Grade 2/Science
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Water resources

Water resources

In this video lesson, you will learn abouthow water is transferred from its source to its point of use.How there is enough water for us since our birth? why it's not ending? Al...

2 videos
Basic difficulty
Grade 2/Science
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | A push or a pull affects how an object moves or changes shape

A push or a pull affects how an object moves or changes shape

This is an introductory video lesson, where we will be covering Push and pull effect of forceStrength of push and pull...

1 videos
Basic difficulty
Grade 2/Science
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Living things can be grouped on the basis of observable features

Living things can be grouped on the basis of observable features

In this video lesson, we will distinguish between the living things and non-living things based on their observable features. This lesson is one level up from our last lesson on li...

1 videos
Basic difficulty
Grade 3/Science
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Changes in states

Changes in states

In this video lesson, you will learn about Matter, and how its state can change, for example from solid to liquid and vice versa by adding or removing heat.

1 videos
Basic difficulty
Grade 3/Science
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Change in states - recycle materials

Change in states - recycle materials

In this lesson, you will learn how changes from solid to liquid and liquid to solid can help us recycle materials. And how heat affects different materials....

2 videos
Basic difficulty
Grade 3/Science
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Heat Energy

Heat Energy

In this video lesson,  you’ll learn that heat can be produced from many sources and can transfer from one object to other and that it flows from an object of higher temp...

1 videos
Basic difficulty
Grade 3/Science
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | The Sun and Sundials

The Sun and Sundials

In this lesson, you will learn how earth’s rotation on its axis causes regular changes, including day and night. The Sun is out light source and helps with sustainable life o...

1 videos
Basic difficulty
Grade 3/Science
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Rotating Earth

Rotating Earth

There are nine planets in our solar system. These planets circle around the sun, which is called orbits. In this video lesson, we will learn timescales for the rotation of the...

1 videos
Basic difficulty
Grade 3/Science
0 0 0