Chance / Cannot happen if
In this video lesson, we will explore and identify some everyday events where one cannot happen if the other happens. We will use different examples to make the concept as clear as...

Chances of one event will or will not be affected by the occurrence of other
This video lesson is about probability of an everyday event may or may not get affected by occurrences of other events. We will use familiar example that we used in a couple of les...

Data tables
Our main aim for this video lesson is to help you understand data tables for that we will construct suitable data displays, from given or collected data. Include tab...

Data displays comparison
In this video lesson, we will be comparing some data displays and Evaluate the effectiveness of different displays in illustrating data features including variabilit...

Identify angles
In this video, your coach will talk about everyday angles, Identifying angles as measures of turn and compare angle sizes in everyday situationsElaborationsopening doors ...