Multiplication number patterns
In this video lesson, you will learn about number patterns resulting from performing multiplication. We will also identify some examples of number patterns in ...

Number sentences involving multiplication or division
Aim of this video lesson is to talk about number sentences, especially where multiplication and division are involved. We will look intorepresenting a word problem as a number sent...

Unknown quantities in number sentences involving addition and subtraction
Focus of this video lesson is to find unknown amounts in number sentences consisting of summation and subtraction and identify equivalent number sentences involving addition a...

Units of time
Aim of this video lesson is to learn about units of time and learn how to convert between units of timeElaborationsidentifying and using the correct operation for converting u...

Using ‘am’ and ‘pm’ notation
In this video lesson, our aim is to understand use of ‘am’ and ‘pm’ notation and solve simple time problemsElaborationscalculating the time spent at school ...

Comparing the areas of regular and irregular shapes by informal means
Aim of this video lesson is to comparing areas using metric units, such as counting the number of square centimetres required to cover two areas by overlaying the areas with a...

Splitting and combining common shapes
Aim of this video lesson is to compare and describe two-dimensional shapes that result from combining and splitting common shapes, with and without the use of digital technologies...

Compare angles and classify them
Aim of this video lesson is to compare angles and classify them as equal to, greater than, or less than, a right angle, we will be creating angles and comparing them to a...

Using scales, legends and directions to interpret basic maps
Aim of this video lesson is to show you how to scales, legends and directions to interpret information contained in basic mapsElaborationsidentifying the scale used on maps of citi...

Chance / Everyday events and order their chances of occurring
Aim of this video lesson is to look into everyday events, describe them and order their chances of occurring,Elaborations using lists of events familiar to students and o...