What are Adjectives
In this video lesson for Grade 1 students, our tutor explains basics of adjectives and its use. Elaborations:Explore differences in words that represent qualities (adjectives)...

Articles In English Language
In this video lesson, our tutor explains various types of indefinite and definite articles in English language. This topic is explained with examples so kids get a good grasp of Ar...

Adjectives that compare people or things
In this video lesson, our tutor provides basic training on Adjectives that compare people, places or things. In this lesson, tutor explains about comparative and superlative adject...

Verbs: Irregular past tense
To form the past tense of most verbs, you incorporate “ed” on the end with the verb. These verbs have regular previous tense, eg walked, watched, smiled, arrived, reque...

Verbs: Regular past tense
The regular or simple past is used to describe an action that occurred and was completed in the past. The regular past is formed by adding –ed to the base form...

Introduction to Nouns
In this video lesson for Grade 1 students, our tutor will introduce them to Nouns, lesson also includes examples of common and proper nouns. We recommend to get some quizzes under ...

Personal Pronouns
Exactly what is a Personal Pronoun?A personal pronoun is actually a pronoun that is related mainly using a specific person, from the grammatical perception.When discussing &ld...

What are Plural Nouns
This video lesson is all about plural nouns, first the definition and then an explanation on Regular and Irregular plural nouns. There are heaps of examples for kids to understand ...

Possessive Nouns: An introduction
In this video lesson, your coach will help you understand what exactly is a possessive noun. Starting off with definition and then some examples. We recommend that student should t...

Name and Action Parts of a sentence
In this short video lesson, we explain about 2 main parts of a sentence, a naming part and an action part. This video lesson has several examples for kids to understand the concept...