How to create justified viewpoint
Aim of this video lesson is to help you understand how to present a point of view about particular literary texts using appropriate metalanguage, and reflecting on t...

Personification, Figures of speech, Similes and Metaphors
Aim of this video lesson is to help you understand Personification, Figures of speech, Similes and Metaphors. Your coach will touch these topics briefly with examples. Take so...

Writing a good story
Aim of this video lesson is to help you understand, how to write a good story. Writing a good story include many things such as ThemePlotStory StructureCharactersSettingStyle ...

Plan, rehearse and deliver presentations for defined audiences
Aim of this video lesson is to help you understand how to plan a presentation. Elaborationsplanning a report on a topic, sequencing ideas logically and providing supporting de...

Practice reading strategies
Aim of this video lesson is to practise reading strategies. Elaborationsbringing subject and technical vocabulary and concept knowledge to new reading tasksselecting and using...

Grade 2-5: Proof reading
Aim of this video lesson is to help you edit proof read your own and other's workElaborationsediting for flow and sense, organisation of ideas and choice of language, revising ...

Legible, fluent and automatic handwriting
Aim of this lesson is to help you develop a handwriting style that is becoming legible, fluent and automatic. This lesson just cover the basics, however its you, who shou...

Grade 1-5 Using word processing software
Aim of this video lesson is to show you, how to use word processing software, in this video we use Microsoft Word, but you can use other software such as Open Office, Google Docs e...

Difference between bias, fact and opinion
Aim of this video lesson is to help you understand the difference between bias, fact and opinion. Your coach will provide several examples, we recommend that you practise a fair bi...

Formal and informal words and sentences
Aim of this video lesson is to help you understand what formal and informal expressions are. Exactly what they mean and in which situation you use either of them.