Free video lessons for Foundation to Grade 8 students

SubjectCoach | Using direct and indirect speech

Using direct and indirect speech

In this video lesson, you will learn  how quoted (direct) and reported (indirect) speech work in different types of text.Elaborationsinvestigating examples of quoted...

1 videos
Intermediate difficulty
Grade 4/English
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Adverb group/phrases

Adverb group/phrases

In this video lesson, you will learn what adverbs are an how adverb groups/phrases and prepositional phrases work in different ways to provide circumstantial details abou...

1 videos
Intermediate difficulty
Grade 3/English
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Effects of framing an image in text

Effects of framing an image in text

In this video, we will explore the effect of choices when framing an image, placement of elements in the image, and salience on composition of still and moving ...

1 videos
Intermediate difficulty
Grade 4/English
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | How to enrich your vocabulary

How to enrich your vocabulary

Aim of this video lesson is to share some tips and tricks that will help you enrich your vocabulary. Focus would be on how to Incorporate new vocabulary from a range of source...

1 videos
Intermediate difficulty
Grade 3/English
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Affixes - Prefixes and suffixes

Affixes - Prefixes and suffixes

In this video lesson, you will learn about Affixes, Understand how to use knowledge of letter patterns including double letters, spelling generalisations, morphemic word&...

1 videos
Intermediate difficulty
Grade 2/English
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Understand and recognize homophones

Understand and recognize homophones

Aim of this video lesson is to talk about homophones, Read and write a large core of high-frequency homophones and know how to use context to ide...

1 videos
Intermediate difficulty
Grade 2/English
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Base words, prefixes and suffixes

Base words, prefixes and suffixes

Aim of this lesson is to investigate, how meaning of a word change with prefixes and suffixes. You will learn how to use sounds knowledge to read and write more complex letter...

1 videos
Intermediate difficulty
Grade 4/English
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Understand different genres of writing

Understand different genres of writing

In this video lesson, we will look into the ways different authors may represent similar storylines, ideas and relationships. The different genres of writing.

1 videos
Intermediate difficulty
Grade 4/English
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Sharing responses and expressing a point of view

Sharing responses and expressing a point of view

Discuss literary experiences with others, sharing responses and expressing a point of view. This lesson is about writing a review for a book you read, why is it important to l...

1 videos
Intermediate difficulty
Grade 3/English
0 0 0
SubjectCoach | Similes and Metaphors

Similes and Metaphors

Aim of this video lesson is to help you understand similes and metaphors, Use metalanguage to describe the effects of ideas, text structures and language f...

1 videos
Intermediate difficulty
Grade 3/English
0 0 0