Two and Three dimensional shapes
In this video lesson, you will familiarize yourself with two and three dimensional shapes. This is a 2 part lesson, first chapter covers the 2 dimensional shapes and second chapter...

Location and transformation
In this video lesson, your coach will concentrate on discussing. how to Interpret simple maps of familiar locations and identify the relative positions of key features and Inv...

Probability / Chance
In this video lesson, we will look into outcomes of practical activities and everyday events as likely or unlikely and identify some events as certain or impossible.

Data representation and interpretation
This video lesson is focused on gathering and representing data relevant to a question of interest based on one categorical variable.Collect, check and classify data.Plus creating ...

Properties of odd and even numbers
In this video lesson, we will Investigate and learn how to use the properties of odd and even numbersElaborationsUsing the four operations with pairs of odd or even numbers or...

Reproducing five-digit numbers in words
This video lesson is on recognising, representing and ordering numbers to at least tens of thousands and how we can reproduce five-digit numbers in words using their numerical repr...

Place value pattern is built on operations of multiplication & division of tens
Aim of this video lesson is to talk about Place value and recognizing and demonstrating that the place-value pattern is built on the operations of multiplication or division o...

Number sequences involving multiples of 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9
In this video lesson, we will touch base again on number sequences involving multiples of 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 and recognizing that number sequences can be extended inde...

Revisiting Multiplication table 10 × 10
We all know by now that The basic idea of multiplication is repeated addition, In this video, you will learn some tricks on Multiplication of numbers upto 10, you will al...

Strategies for multiplication and division where there is no remainder
In this video lesson, you will learn effective strategies for multiplication and division where there is no remainder, some of these strategies involved but not limited to are...